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Are you interested in performance engineering, database benchmarking and cloud computing? Welcome to the archives of the DataScaleFail newsletter. This bi-weekly newsletter is all about the ongoing things in the (cloud) infrastructure and data industry – focussing on first-hand experiences, independent performance insights, free technology benchmarking, busting some over-promising marketing claims and weird tech decisions.

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DataScaleFail #10 - Database Ranking Pricing Update, VectorDB Benchmarking Guide and VectorDB Benchmarking Suites

Updated: 2024-05-30

In this edition of the DataScaleFail newsletter, we share our findings about the price updates of the IaaS and DBaaS flavours of the benchANT database ranking. Also, we continue our Vector benchmarking journey where we first look into what is special when benchmarking this type of databases. Finally, we complete our analysis of benchmarking suites for Vector databases. Newsletter topics:

  • Database Ranking - Cloud & DBaaS Pricing Update
  • Benchmarking Vector Databases
  • Vector DB Benchmarking Suites
Thumbnail for DataScaleFail #10 - Database Ranking Pricing Update, VectorDB Benchmarking Guide and VectorDB Benchmarking Suites
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DataScaleFail #9 - Benchmarking Vector Databases, Time-series databases, and a New Custom Benchmark

Updated: 2024-03-12

Due to many VectorDB benchmarking requests popping up at benchANT, we start with a discussing on the situation of the DeWitt clause with Vector DBaaS's. Second, we continue our analysis of benchmarking suites and look into the time-series domain today. Finally, we introduce Telegraf-TS, a benchmark tailored to backends of the Telegraf monitoring agent.

Our topics today:

  • VectorDB Benchmarking
  • Time-Series Benchmarking Suites
  • The Telegraf-TS Benchmark
Thumbnail for DataScaleFail #9 - Benchmarking Vector Databases, Time-series databases, and a New Custom Benchmark
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DataScaleFail #8 - MongoDB DBaaS Alternatives Benchmarks, NoSQL Benchmarking Suites, YCSB Customizing

Updated: 2024-03-12

We continue our analysis of benchmarking suites in the NoSQL area and have analysed more than 12 NoSQL benchmarks. In addition, new benchmark measurements on MongoDB DBaaS alternatives as well as a technical deep-dive on how to customise the YCSB Benchmarking Suite almost limitlessly.

Newsletter contents:

  • 12 NoSQL Benchmarking Suites
  • MongoDB DBaaS Alternatives - Performance/Cost Comparison
  • YCSB Customising Guide
Thumbnail for DataScaleFail #8 - MongoDB DBaaS Alternatives Benchmarks, NoSQL Benchmarking Suites, YCSB Customizing
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DataScaleFail #7 - OLAP Benchmark Suites, New Azure VM Benchmarks & Recap 2023

Updated: 2024-01-26

The DataScaleFail newsletter starts the new year 2024 a little bit later due to some customer projects. Nevertheless, we have again some interesting benchmark measurements on the new Azure VMs, a specialized recap of 2023 and our benchmark suite lists, which now also contain OLAP and HTAP benchmarking suites

Have fun reading!


  • OLAP & HTAP Database Benchmarking Suites
  • New Azure VMs Benchmark
  • Recap 2023
Thumbnail for DataScaleFail #7 - OLAP  Benchmark Suites, New Azure VM Benchmarks & Recap 2023
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DataScaleFail #6 - Database Benchmark Suites, PostgreSQL Config Tuning, & AWS ReInvent Recap

Updated: 2023-12-21

In the last newsletter edition of this year, we have done some research on database benchmarking suites and listed them with a lot of helpful information for you. Also, we give you a 101 on database configuration tuning and Daniel recaps his experiences of the AWS reInvent 2023 regarding database market news.

We hope you all had a successful year in 2023 and we were able to you some interesting stuff to read.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


  • List of Database Benchmarking Suites
  • How-To: PostgreSQL Configuration Tuning
  • Recap of the AWS reInvent 2023
Thumbnail for DataScaleFail #6 -  Database Benchmark Suites, PostgreSQL Config Tuning, & AWS ReInvent Recap
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DataScaleFail #5 - AlloyDB Omni, PostgreSQL Tuning Parameters & DBaaS Intro

Updated: 2023-11-22

In this week's newsletter, we have new, compelling content for you. Starting with a beginner intro to Database-as-a-Service with key insights and a TCO use-case story, performance tests of AlloyDB Omni, the self-deployed version of Google Clouds AlloyDB database and a deep-dive into PostgreSQL performance configuration parameters.

Read more!


  • AlloyDB Omni - The better PostgreSQL?
  • PostgreSQL Performance Parameters
  • DBaaS - What, when, how?
Thumbnail for DataScaleFail #5 - AlloyDB Omni, PostgreSQL Tuning Parameters & DBaaS Intro
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DataScaleFail #4 - How-to: MongoDB Capacity Planning, PostgreSQL DBaaS Query Performance & DBMS Auto-Tuning

Updated: 2023-11-22

In this week's newsletter, we have one lesson learned article about benchmarking MongoDB, a cost/performance evaluation of MySQL DBaaS products and an in-depth performance benchmark with 133 measurements from MongoDB and ScyllaDB.

Read more!


  • How-to: MongoDB Capacity Planning
  • In-depth PostgreSQL DBaaS Query Performance Analysis
  • DBMS Auto-Tuning Tooling
Thumbnail for DataScaleFail #4 - How-to: MongoDB Capacity Planning, PostgreSQL DBaaS Query Performance & DBMS Auto-Tuning
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DataScaleFail #3 - MongoDB Benchmarking, MySQL DBaaS Cost/Performance & 133 MongoDB vs ScyllaDB Benchmarks

Updated: 2023-10-17

In this week's newsletter, we have one lesson learned article about benchmarking MongoDB, a cost/performance evaluation of MySQL DBaaS products and an in-depth performance benchmark with 133 measurements from MongoDB and ScyllaDB.

Read more!


  • How-to: MongoDB Performance Benchmarking
  • MySQL DBaaS Price/Performance Comparison
  • MongoDB vs ScyllaDB - 133 Performance Benchmarks
Thumbnail for DataScaleFail #3 - MongoDB Benchmarking, MySQL DBaaS Cost/Performance & 133 MongoDB vs ScyllaDB Benchmarks
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DataScaleFail #2 - PostgreSQL v16, PostgreSQL DBaaS Comparison & MongoDB vs ScyllaDB

Updated: 2023-10-03

After being overwhelmed by positive feedback for our first newsletter two weeks ago, we again did everything we could, provide you with three interesting and exciting articles.


  • PostgreSQL v16 Performance
  • PostgreSQL DBaaS - Price/Performance Comparison
  • MongoDB vs ScyllaDB - Technical Comparison
Thumbnail for DataScaleFail #2 - PostgreSQL v16, PostgreSQL DBaaS Comparison & MongoDB vs ScyllaDB
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DataScaleFail #1 - Apache IoTDB, DBaaS Market Analysis & Deployment Time

Updated: 2023-10-16

Welcome, this is the first edition of our brand-new DataScaleFail newsletter. From now on, we will send you bi-weekly the most interesting benchmarking results and insights from our daily work in the data infrastructure branch.

We will summarize our experiences and measurements on new databases and infrastructure options and send them directly to your inbox. We hope to provide you with valuable insights and content input for your daily work.

Read more!


  • How-to: MongoDB Performance Benchmarking
  • MySQL DBaaS Cost/Comparison
  • MongoDB vs ScyllaDB - 133 Performance Benchmarks
Thumbnail for DataScaleFail #1 - Apache IoTDB, DBaaS Market Analysis & Deployment Time
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Release DBaaS Navigator

Updated: 2023-09-21

Release of the first version of the DBaaS Navigator, a holistic comparison of Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) products

  • technical features
  • management features
  • support and SLA performance
  • performance figures
  • price calculation and price performance
Thumbnail for Release DBaaS Navigator
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December 2022 Update

Updated: 2023-10-02

Update with all technical innovations of the past months

  • Credits-based pricing model
  • New FAQ section
  • Addition of numerous DBMS and DBaaS resources (current complete list!)
  • Revision of products and services
  • Numerous bugfixes
Thumbnail for December 2022 Update
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Release Database Ranking

Updated: 2023-10-05

Publication of the first version of our database ranking

  • with 9 databases and DBaaS
  • on 2 cloud providers
  • in 5 scaling sizes (VM, Cluster Size & Workload)
  • for a CRUD workload
Thumbnail for Release Database Ranking
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News February 2022

Updated: 2023-10-02

What has happened at benchANT in the past months?

  • Foundation of benchANT GmbH
  • New resources: MS Azure, Google Cloud, MongoDB Atlas, ...
  • Further development of the Analytics Dashboard
  • Blog articles about YCSB, ARM instances and workload variations.
  • And of course, winning the CyberOne HighTech Award!
Thumbnail for News February 2022
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