DataScaleFail #1 - Apache IoTDB, DBaaS Market Analysis & Deployment Time
Welcome, this is the first edition of our brand-new DataScaleFail newsletter. From now on, we will send you bi-weekly the most interesting benchmarking results and insights from our daily work in the data infrastructure branch.
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Apache IoTDB - First Public Database Benchmarks
- New performance leader in our time-series database ranking
- Outstanding low read latencies for the applied workload.
- Up to 97% reduced storage consumption for time-series data.

DBaaS Deployment Time - Huge Differences amongst Providers
-Deployment times of 14 popular DBaaS products measured
- Fastest DBaaS deployment time: 8.14 sec
- Average DBaaS deployment time: 10 min 35 sec

DBaaS Market Research - 208 DBaaS Products Analyzed
- Extensive Database-as-a-Service catalog
- Popularity and industry-readiness increases
- Many new DBaaS products from European cloud providers

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