DataScaleFail #10 - Database Ranking Pricing Update, VectorDB Benchmarking Guide & Suites
Recently, we updated the prices of the benchANT database ranking and share our findings here. Also, we continue our Vector benchmarking journey where we first look into what is special when benchmarking this type of databases. Finally, we complete our analysis of benchmarking suites for Vector databases.
Have fun reading!
Database Ranking Cloud & DBaaS Pricing Update
- AWS & MS Azure infrastructure with almost no price changes in the last 2 years
- Alibaba Cloud and IONOS Cloud with massive price reductions for selected flavors
- Inconsistent price changes in the DBaaS market
Benchmarking Vector Databases
- Refresher on vector databases
- Selection criterias for choosing the right vector database
- Tell us which vector database to benchmark for the next newsletter

Vector DB Benchmarking Suites
- 5 good-to-know benchmarking suites for VectorDB
- Helps you finding the right storage technology for your next AI project
- Completes our comprehensive summary of database benchmarking suites