DataScaleFail #5 - AlloyDB Omni, PostgreSQL Tuning Parameters & DBaaS Intro
In this week's newsletter, we have new, compelling content for you.
Starting with a beginner intro to Database-as-a-Service with key insights and a TCO use-case story, performance tests of AlloyDB Omni, the self-deployed version of Google Cloud's AlloyDB database and a deep-dive into PostgreSQL performance configuration parameters.
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AlloyDB Omni - The better PostgreSQL?
- AlloyDB Omni is a downloadable, 100% PostgreSQL-compatible database from Google Cloud
- Our measurements for 4 workloads shows slightly better performance.
- AlloyDB Omni comes with DBMS license costs, which leads to worse price/performance results

PostgreSQL DBaaS – Performance Parameter Analysis
- PostgreSQL config parameters in-depth analysis
- Tunings from AWS RDS, Azure Database and CloudSQL
- Introduction to some of the most important performance parameters

DBaaS Intro - What, When, How?
- benchANT became author for a popular German developer magazine
- 5-page article about DBaaS summarized for you
- Key insights, case story and TCO calculation

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