A Database Benchmarking Recap on 2023
2024 is here and it's time to look back at the past year 2023.
We naturally want to focus on databases, Database-as-a-service, (cloud) infrastructures and their performance.
Let's review the year 2023 together.
What Happened in the Database World?
This chapter alone would be worth a post of its own. Fortunately, our esteemed database researcher and entrepreneur Andy Pavlo from Ottertune has already described this post in detail in his Recap 2023 article. You can find the full article here. We think it's more than worth reading - Kudos to Andy Pavlo!
We will therefore only briefly summarise the most important points:
- Numerous new Vector databases have been founded and funded: Marqo, Qdrant, Chroma, Weaviate and Pinecone
- Many established DBMS vendors have also developed Vector extensions for their solutions: SingleStore, Oracle, Rockset, Clickhouse, PGVector, MongoDB and Cassandra
- SQL evolved immensely in 2023 with read-only property graph queries and multi-dimensional arrays.
- MariaDB is struggling with some structural and financial problems, including its DBaaS solution SkySQL, which has now been launched as an independent company. In this context, the DBaaS offering of Microsoft Azure Database for MariaDB will also be discontinued at the end of 2025.
Database Performance in 2023
In addition to the market entry of numerous database auto-tuning solutions, we presented in this article. Several companies also published performance benchmarking studies last year.
- TDEngine, a new time-series database has created its own benchmark report about her own DBMS vs TimescaleDB and InfluxDB.
- Couchbase has commissioned Altoros, an IT consulting firm, for their annual benchmarking report against AWS DynamoDB, MongoDB and Redis for various YCSB workloads. The results can be found here
- ScyllaDB conducted an in-depth benchmarking study with benchANT with over 115 scalability and cost measurements. You can find our measurement results of ScyllaDB and MongoDB in our article: NoSQL Benchmark: MongoDB vs ScyllaDB
But that was not all that happened in 2023. benchANT alone has carried out numerous database, DBaaS and cloud performance measurements. The portion of Database-as-a-Service benchmarks compared to self-managed DBMS is certainly interesting here.

We have analyzed our internal database and compiled a few statistics for you on the technologies measured in 2023. In the end, we ran measurements on
- 54 different DBMS & DBaaS technologies
- 10 different cloud providers
- using 8 different workload benchmarking suites.
Here are some stats!

DataScaleFail – The Beginning of our Newsletter in 2023
In August 2023, we started the DataScaleFail newsletter. Since then, we have prepared independent measurements and information about databases every 2 weeks. Our readership has grown considerably in the last 5 months. Needless to say, we look forward to passing on a wealth of information from our daily business to you also in 2024.
The most popular newsletter articles in 2023 were in descending order:
- Insight: MongoDB vs ScyllaDB Benchmark
- Insight: MongoDB vs ScyllaDB Benchmark
- Insights: PostgreSQL v16 Performance
- Insights: Apache IoTDB
- How-To: MongoDB Benchmarking
- Insight: PostgreSQL DBaaS Performance/Costs
Yet, the information benchANT provides is not limited to the newsletter. First and foremost, the benchANT website contains the Database Ranking and the DBaaS Navigator in addition to other content such as:
- How-To: Database Benchmarking
- How-To: YCSB
- Insight: MongoDB vs Cassandra
- Insight: MongoDB vs ScyllaDB Benchmark
- Insight: Cassandra 4 Performance
- Study: DBaaS
Outlook 2024
We will continue our work to provide independent database and infrastructure information with our newsletter, our blog and of course our daily work as database experts and performance engineers.
We wish you a successful year 2024 and may the performance be with you.