benchANT Homepage
benchANT Homepage

Professional Services for IT Experts

You need support in the area of databases, DBaaS or cloud?

benchANT is at your side with our experts and our product solutions. No matter if it is about performance measurements, product decisions with TCO analyses, trainings or other problems.

Get to know us without obligation and benefit from free consulting hours!

Data-driven Consulting with Efficient Tools

  • We plan and optimize your IT infrastructure - with our expertise, with our tools for performance measurements, DBaaS analyses and TCO calculations.

  • Typical Services: Infrastructure Performance Audit, DBMS & DBaaS Evaluation, (Multi-) Cloud Evaluation, Load & Chaos Testing, On-Premise vs Cloud Assessment, Oracle-to-PostgreSQL Migration, Cloud Cost Optimization, "Big-Data-Storage"-Workshop

  • Transparent and simple credit-based cost model for consulting, development and measurements: 1 credit equals 30-min consulting services or 40-min development or 1 benchmark measurement (excl. resource costs for the measurement series). 1 credit costs $100 (excl. VAT)

  • Convince yourself of our expertise in free initial consultations about your infrastructure, task and how we can help you. You will then receive a non-binding estimate of the effort required.

Infrastructure Performance Audit
Cloud & Database Evaluation and Optimization
"Big-Data-Storage" Workshop