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45 Selected Sources about Databases

You only know MySQL, MS Server and MongoDB?

These 45 selected sources bring you closer to (almost) all database management systems in the world: NoSQL comparisons, Time Series database analyses and DBaaS providers.

Discover interesting new developments and expand your technical understanding of databases.

Websites A veritable goldmine of information

The very comprehensive "Database of Databases" offers information on more than 750 database management systems including many technical facts. The database is reliably maintained by the "Database Group" ( of the prestigious Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA, USA). It contains a great deal of technical information, from established to emerging to virtually unknown databases.
We are on this database almost daily to research information and compare technical details of databases. There is almost no database that is not listed here. Unfortunately, there is no content (yet) for some databases. The database popularity ranking

A rather well-known popularity ranking with about 350 databases operated by solidIT GmbH. It measures popularity based on mentions, discussions, trends and social media posts and converts this information into a ranking score. It is also possible to compare details of individual databases directly with each other.
I think this ranking follows a very interesting approach, which, however, is not immune to criticism. However, my own research on monthly Google search queries confirms the ranking on the whole. It provides a quick overview and inspiration.

Github Topics: The open source hub - also for databases

Github is a household name for every IT professional. But whether everyone knows about the Github topics, which cluster many contributions thematically, I don't know?
Most open source databases and community editions are listed on Github and can be discovered via the links above. In addition to the source code, you can also get the most important information and tips directly from developers for developers.

DZone: The Database Zone
DZone is a very well-known SQL/No-SQL blog with many tutorials and current news. In addition, there is already a relatively large developer community who contribute many articles themselves. Over 70,000 articles, cheat sheets and trend analyses about databases can be found here.

ODBMS: Knowledge for operational DBMSs
ODBMS presents current news and numerous freely accessible technical information, learning materials and software. The website is run by Prof. Dott-Ing. Roberto V. Zicari. He is a renowned professor for database and information systems at the University of Frankfurt. Many other guest writers contribute to the wealth of materials and topical articles.

Software Comparison Providers

The commercial "counterpart" to the Github topics are the software comparison websites. Almost exclusively commercial database providers are listed here. For each provider, you can enter via categories and look at all suitable providers with partly editorial summaries and user ratings.

The offerings of the following four providers are almost identical. The best known and largest of the three is certainly Sourceforge.






No such list without Wikipedia. In the IT sector, too, you can find well-maintained, trustworthy information, listings and technical details on Wikipedia. The various data schemes are also well explained in a comprehensible way.

Enclosed is a small link list with the most important database links:

Github Pages

Besides Topics, Github is once again represented in this list thanks to its "awesome" user-generated content.

Awesome DB
A "curated-list" of the no longer existing NumetricLabs, which has not been maintained for more than 5 years, lists a multitude of databases - categorised according to the development programming language. If you're interested, feel free to skim this list.

Awesome Data Engineering

The "Awesome Data Engineering" list by igorbarinov goes far beyond a mere DB list. In 14 different chapters it provides pretty much everything a data engineer needs to know and be able to do in his daily life. Chapter 1 lists about 100 databases with a brief assessment.

Awesome Big Data

The "Awesome Big Data" list by 0xnr lists numerous Big Data resources as well as Big Data suitable databases, categorised by data schema, with a short explanation. A lot of effort and attention to detail has gone into this list. Thank you for this regularly updated listing. It is definitely worth a visit for those interested in Big Data.

Awesome Time Series Database

A wonderful comparison table to all Time Series databases that have ever existed. It is constantly updated and can serve as inspiration for any developer for their next IoT, Fintech or monitoring project.

Ultimate Comparison of open source TSDBs

The developers of the TSDB benchmark have published their research on time series databases in a well-structured way in this table. However, the table is no longer maintained and is therefore no longer up to date. However, it is worth a look for the colourfulness alone. The corresponding research paper is linked in the last chapter.

Blog Articles

Of course, there are also a large number of blog articles on "the best databases" and countless "top 10 database" lists in the database sector. It is sometimes difficult to filter superficial clickbait articles from those with good content.

Hostingdata: > 225 NoSQL Database Management Systems

Long list with short concise information. Unfortunately a bit outdated graphically.

phoenixNAP: NoSQL Database List

Great up-to-date list with clearly understandable visualisations of the data schemas. Top 10 Databases to Use in 2021

Detailed presentation of the most popular databases based on Google Trends, Stack Overflow and Top 12 NoSQL Databases

NoSQL list with editor and user ratings. Emphasises non-standard technical information.

Geekflare: 7 Powerful Time Series Databases

Some interesting aspects of the most important time series databases for monitoring

Complete List of all Timeseries Databases for your IoT Project

IoT Time Series Database List with Pricing and (Client) Technology of a Full-Stack Developer

List of Time Series Databases

Out-of-date time series database list from 2019 with important developer information of a software developer Top 13 NewSQL Databases

NewSQL list with editor and user ratings. Emphasises non-standard technical information. Similar to the No-SQL list of the same source.

YugabyteDB: DistributedSQL vs NewSQL

Comparison and list of different NewSQL databases, maintained by a database vendor. DbaaS Providers

The only DbaaS database list worth mentioning, but it also needs updating.

Scientific Publications

The last chapter is followed by the scientific papers that examine the database landscape and provide deep technical insights. Very comprehensive and formalised, they show the concepts of modern databases. Nevertheless, the selected papers are definitely worth reading. Unfortunately, not all publications are freely accessible.

NoSQL Database Systems: A Survey and Decision Guidance (2016)
Simple, somewhat dated decision tree on NoSQL databases. A good place to start.

Persisting big-data: The NoSQL landscape (2017)
Comparison of NoSQL and classic SQL databases with explanation of various concepts and comparison of the most important features. A must-read!

Survey and Comparison of Open Source Time Series Databases (2017)
Research paper belonging to the above-mentioned Ultimate-TSDB-Comparison-Github-Project with studies on 83 time series databases.

Time Series Management Systems: A Survey (2017)
Very good paper published in a top journal containing an analysis and classification of time series management systems.

A Survey on NoSQL Stores (2018)
Very in-depth survey of various NoSQL database designs - for budding experts only.

A Survey on Data Storage and Placement Methodologies for Cloud-Big Data Ecosystem (2019)
Survey on Big Data handling of databases in the cloud with some novel insights.

A Method for Database Model Selection (2019)
Introduces a systematic decision methodology for selecting the appropriate database model. Interesting approach, but seems a bit superficial.


With a little research, you can also find excellent sources on modern databases online; be it for inspiration or a better understanding.

Only the still rather new field of DBaaS very sparsely illuminated.

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