RSU: On-Premise vs. Cloud DBMS vs. DBaaS Analysis
- What performance does your own server hardware and database configuration deliver?
- How competitive is it compared to current cloud infrastructure and DBaaS products?
- Is a modernization of the infrastructure necessary?
This question was asked by one of the leading German e-commerce companies in the automotive sector - RSU GmbH.
About RSU GmbH
RSU GmbH is a leading e-commerce platform in the field of tires, complete wheels and automotive parts. With its own developed store and order software, it is one of the most professional online retailers in B2B and B2C in the German tyre and vehicle part industry.

The Challenge: How good is your own on-premise infrastructure?
Competitiveness in the e-commerce sector depends not only on attractive prices, but also on a pleasant store experience. From a technical perspective, this includes low latency and sufficiently scalable performance at peak times.
In order to be able to process the constantly growing access and order volume with high performance in the future, the IT management requested corresponding test measurements. At the same time, a cloud migration was also to be evaluated in order to compare alternative solutions.
The Solution: On-premise vs Cloud DBMS vs DBaaS Performance Measurements
With benchANT, both cloud, DBaaS and on-premise benchmarks can be performed to get comparability of resources, configurations and price performance.
This is exactly what has been done on behalf of customers for different workload sizes, resource sizes and database configurations to have robust numbers for decision making.

The Results
Unfortunately, no results of the measurements can be published.