DBtune: Performance data for DBMS tuning AI
DBtune is an AI-based DBMS tuning expert. Learning this AI requires many datasets on performance and utilization per workload and resources.
The benchANT benchmarking API was made for this use case. Not only could the required data sets be created, but also the effects of the tuning parameters could be tested.
About DBtune
DBtune is an Italian AI startup that develops software to automatically tune database configurations depending on the workload.

The Challenge: Real performance data to train the AI
An AI application needs many data sets for learning. In the case of DBMS tunings, it is difficult to obtain structured data with all the required parameters.
The Solution: benchANTs automated Cloud & DBMS Benchmarking Platform
This fit was simply clear. All the necessary data points for teaching the AI were included in the measurement results of the benchANT performance benchmarks or could be easily added.
In addition, it was possible to benchmark numerous, slightly changing configurations via the API, which facilitated the generation of a large amount of data.

The Results: A mountain of data and easy verification of the AI results
In addition to the numerous measurement data, which need not be discussed. it was also possible to simultaneously test the performance of DBtune's AI application by measuring the result configuration of the optimization.
For questions about DBtune, the founder Dr. Luigi Nardi is available.